General terms and conditions of use (incl. disclaimer)
NAMEF terms and conditions for the use of its websites
1. Validity of these terms and conditions of use
NAMEF makes available content at the domain on the basis of the following terms and conditions of use. By visiting the website you agree to these terms and conditions of use. You cannot use this website without being bound by these terms and conditions of use
2. Content of the websites
Every page of our websites has been carefully edited and checked. However, the service provider cannot guarantee that the information provided is up-to-date, accurate, complete or reliable. Liability claims against the service provider that involve damages of a material or non-material nature, that were caused by the use or non-use of the information provided and/or through the use of erroneous and incomplete information are strictly excluded except in cases of proven willful or gross negligence on the part of the service provider. The service provider expressly reserves the right to amend, supplement or delete part or all of the website without prior notice or to temporarily or permanently close down the site.
3. Liability for external links
Liability for direct or indirect references to external websites (“links”) that are not the responsibility of the service provider is only accepted if the service provider is aware of the content and if it is technically possible and reasonable to prevent its use in the event of illegal content. The service provider hereby expressly states that at the time of creating the link it was not possible to identify any illegal content on the linked pages.
The service provider has no influence on the current and future form, content or authorship of the linked pages. Therefore the service provider hereby expressly distances itself from all content on all linked sites that have been changed since the link was created. This statement applies to links and references contained in the service provider’s own websites. The provider of the site, not the service provider, has sole liability for any illegal, erroneous or incomplete content and particularly for damages that may arise from the use or non-use of information presented in this manner.
4. Copyright and trademark law
The service provider makes every effort to ensure that applicable copyright laws are complied with in all its publications. Nevertheless, upon notification of any breach of copyright law the service provider will remove the relevant item from its publication or mark it with the relevant copyright. All brands and trademarks mentioned in the website that may be protected by third parties are completely subject to the provisions of the trademark laws in force and the ownership rights of the respective registered owner. The sole fact that such trademarks are cited shall not be deemed to indicate that they are not protected by third party rights. The copyright for the service provider’s own content on the website remains solely with the service provider. Such graphics, sounds or texts may not be duplicated in other electronic or printed publications without the express permission of the service provider.